I need to write

I know I do.

Yet I find myself still recovering from this nasty croup/flu thing I’ve had. But here’s a few things going on that I’m set to write about very, very, very soon:

1). I’ve made a decision about the PBM and hysterectomy. (For those of you who know me – I struggle greatly with making decisions.) This is one of the many things my counselor and I are working on. Yet, I know if I let anymore time pass, it will not be to my benefit. Decision must be made. And make it I have.

2). I have the greatest family in the entire world. My mother is so amazing. She never ceases to amaze me in how she helps me. My nephews were here today and spent time with her (gardening – which is NOT my cup of tea)...I’d rather be reading a book! Nephew #1 spent the night here last night with she and I. I’m so thankful. I miss my dad terribly when they are around, and especially this time of year as it gets close to Thanksgiving (he passed away Thanksgiving 2004). But I know my dad is around. In so many ways. Blessings are all around me!

3). I see my Watkins biz slowly coming to life. And if for nothing else, it’s keeping me busy. Which is another incredible blessing. (NOTE: I am an Independent Watkins Consultant. I must state that here. ๐Ÿ™‚ If you’d like to learn more please view here or if you’d like to place an order, please email me {on my About Me page} and I’ll give you my Consultant ID #. Thank you!)

4). With the blessings of medication (I’m on a ton!) – I’m feeling better and was able to walk today. 2x! I put in some hilly walks in there too. This is good stuff people.

5). Via Twitter I found out of another person who is has Cowden’s Syndrome! Now that may not sound like a big deal (Actually. Wait. It’s 2 people I’ve found out about!) – but this is HUGE for me. Last October when I was diagnosed and all this came about, I felt like my feet fell out from under me.

“Rare Disease what?”

“Affects 1 in roughly 200,000 people?” (depending on where you read your information)

“What is Cowden’s Syndrome?”

This makes me feel stronger. I don’t know how else to describe it. I mean, I have my family and a few supportive friends who are with me in this, but to KNOW about other people who have CS also? THIS IS HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!

6). I found out that I didn’t have a craniotomy last July. I actually had a craniectomy. Urg. Big difference…click on the links if you want to know what it is.

I think there is more – but this is as much as I can get out this evening. I’m glad it’s starting to feel like winter. A few nights ago it got down to 30 degrees…love it. Makes me miss Idaho. ๐Ÿ™‚

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